lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013



The name original was anphitheatrum flavium on latin, the bulding was constructed by emperors of the FLAVIAN DYNASTY it is considered the better colossal structure on rome is more older than the eiffel tower but is more beautiful than wall of berlin, the colossal structure was very complicated. 

Construction of the colosseum began under the rule of the emperor Vespasian in around 70 to 72. The colosseum had been completed up to the third story by the time of vespasian´s death in 79 when the top level was finished and the building inagurarated by his son titusia 80 dio cassios recounts that over 9000 wild animals were killed driving the inaugural games of the amphitheatre.

The building was remodeled under vespasian’s younger son the newly designed emperor Domitian who constructed the hypogeum a series of underground tunnels and house’s animals and slaves he also added a gallery to the top of the colosseum to increase it is seating capacity. The colosseum is bigger than other structures the coliseum is more visited than the staue of liberty and is more longer than the redemptive cristo. The coliseum was a big anphitheatrum to the people

 The arena itself was 83 meters by 48 meters it comprised a wooden floor covered by sand covering an elaborate underground structure called the hypogeum little now remains of the original arena floor, but the hypogeum is still clearly visible. It consisted of a two level subterranean network of tunnels and cages beneath the arena where gladiators and animals were held before contests began,eighty vertical shafts provided instant access to the arena for caged animals and scenery pieces concealed underneath larger hinged platforms, called HEGMATA”, provided access for elephants and the like. The coliseum is more interesting than the tower eiffel the tower eiffel wasn’t animals but the tower eiffel is more romatic than the coliseum. The coliseum it was restructured on numerous occasions at least twelve different phases of construction can be seen.

The colosseum underwent sevral radical changes of use during the medieval period by the late century 6 a small church had been built into the structure of the amphitheatre though this apparently did not confer any partivular religious significance on the bulding as whole, the arena was conerted into a cementery, the numerous valuated space in the arcades under the seating were converted into housing and workshop and are recorder as still begin rented out as late as the century 12 around 1200 the frangipan’s family took over the colosseum and fortefield it apparently using it as a castle.the coliseum is not modern, the statue of liberty is more modern than the coliseum but is more beautiful than the statue of liberty.

During the century 16 and 17 church official sought productive role for the colosseum pope sixtus v 1585-1590 planned to turn the bilding into a wool factory to provide employment for rome’s prostitutes thought this propoposal fell through eith his premature death in 1671 cardinal altieri authorized its use for bullfights a public outcry caused the idea to be hastly abandoned.



The colosseum today is a important tourist atractin in rome with thousands of tourists each year paying to view the interior arena, though entrance for citizens of the europan union the colosseum is the bigger structure the mos significant, the most visited, the most viwed and interesting place in rome, the colosseum is the oldest anphitheatrum in rome the first kind of stadium un the world and the longer colosseum it’s the better for visiting in rome you can see the inferior arena  The Colosseum is also the site of Roman Catholic ceremonies in the centuries 20 and 21.



Cristian Alberto Arreola Hernandez

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